Thursday, December 1, 2016

Story starter

Once upon a time there was a man named Michael Makara. He was sailing but his boat sail snapped  and then he was stranded up on a island.He found a piece of paper and a pen. This is what he wrote.Please help me I have been here for three weeks. I need a rescue helicopter to come help me please.So he went out and got some coconuts.He cracked the coconuts for coconut juice.Then he said “ewwwwwwww”. He didn’t  like it so he went out for some food. He couldn't find any but luckily he heard a noise, it was a roar he could not see what it was. It was a helicopter, they pushed down a ladder when he got back his family was out in the docks waiting for him. He went home had some food and he was happy as he could be .