Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Memoir Australlia

Well here I am at the airport I really don't want to go I like hastings everyone is boarding the plane. I sat down on a comfy chair and stare out the gloomy window their were air New Zealand planes that were parked and their was a beautiful blue sky the gigantic engines started to rumble the plane started to roll then we were up up and away. it's been 1 hour through the flight in midair I felt the white plane tilting downward the engines were getting quiet we must be landing SMACK the plane hit the flat gravel off the ground we are at Australlia the sliding door opens we slowly unload the plane I have a lot to explore in Beautiful Australia.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


We have been doing P.E at girls high my sport was T-ball at first it was hard then at the end it got easier and easier untill I was really good at

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cross Country/InterSchools

Cross Country
Today was my cross country day I couldn't wait but I had to wait for another three other races. it took long to wait but me and samson were playing games.my dad and mum comes with a powerade i drank lots before my race. The next race  was mine man was I nervous.it finally came my race I was at the starting line waiting for the call.I finally hear the whistle I started sprinting I was not doing bad so far.already done the half lap just on to the full lap.coming through the hedge now there's the end have to sprint at the end.finally at the end oh o wyatt's right behind me I sprint.

Inter Schools

I'm here on the steps i'm waiting for the first race  finally the first race was called everyone went up to the starting line their was a man with a gun he was starting the races. Well I have a lot of races to wait. It was finally time for my race the man was talking to us about the course but there's no time to wait 3 2 1 BANG!!! The race has started I must react immediately I try to outrun some random kids. Up the hill the hill made me slow down but going down made me faster than before we were going down a gravel path it started to turn into grass yay time to go through this straight path I passed another one tick him off my list around the tree there's the finish I sprint down the line just about  someone  I came 67th.